Preparing Students for Career, College, & Community

Tis The Season 2022

Donors contribute to Fifth Annual 'Tis the Season at Waldo County Technical Center

Thursday, January 5, 2022

There is a 2 hour delay this morning -  NO AM Classes at WCTC today 

Be Safe Everyone!

There will be no afternoon classes today, Friday, 12/16/22!  

Stay Safe Everyone! 


Click on the link for PenBay Pilot Article on our Rock Star Welding Students! 

SteelPro Winners from WCTC

WCTC would like to give a huge THANK YOU!! to the Belfast Rotary and the community for the amazing donation of $10,000 for WCTC students! The funds were raised at the auction held at Evening By The Bay hosted by the Belfast Rotary!   We are so very grateful to the community for thinking of our students at WCTC.

Belfast Rotary Donation

Photo:  Susan Beamer of Belfast Rotary (left) and Bonnie Kein, Student Services Coordinator @ WCTC (right)

22 23 Open House Poster

Hello WCTC Community,
Per the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, WCTC is required to provide notification that two drinking water samples taken from WCTC on April 21, 2022 had lead levels above the EPA action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb), or 0.015 milligrams of lead per liter of water. 
Please note that the EPA considers water that comes from hand washing sinks as "drinking water".  WCTC samples did not come from any fixture that would be used for drinking or cooking.  Water samples that exceeded lead requirements came from the following sources:
1. Culinary Prep sink sink:  4.7 ppb
2.  Culinary Coffee sink: 2.9 ppb
3.  Culinary serving buffet sink:  0.76 ppb
3.  Student Center restroom sink:  26 ppb
4.  CNA classroom sink:  <0.5 ppb
Please view the link for more information.  Lead in Water 2022
If you have any questions, please reach out to Junior Turner, WCTC Maintenance Supervisor, jturner@waldotech.org, or me.
Thank you,
Rick Amero
WCTC Director
