Preparing Students for Career, College, & Community

Our CNA class had a field trip to Life Flight in Bangor !

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1st Ever ... Summer Camp at WCTC!  Click on the link below for registration form!

Summer Camp 2021

Summer Camp Brochure 2021 Page 1

We at WCTC would like to give a huge Thank You to the incredibly generous donors to our annual 'Tis The Season event for students! Thank you Thank you for your generosity! Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful holiday and well deserved break!

Tis the season 2020 a    tis the season 2020 b 

Congrats Dan

We are doing things a little different this year due to COVID.   Join the Virtual College Fair October 21, 2020

  Virtual Open House 10 21 20



SUPPORT SKILLS USA!  County Meat Sticks Fundraiser !   click on the image to order direct: 

ocuntry meat sticks



